
Explosive Offense

“We haven’t been able to get a view inside the facilities as of yet; we’ve been focused on containment. Is there anyone who would have an immediate motive to attack a hard target like this?”


The Spoils of War

“Well, there is also information there regarding bank accounts, and we’re talking serious money. I’ve already had the money transferred into the OA accounts for you. Spoils of war, you know.”

Points in Transition

“Your excellence,” replied the box, “Denmark doesn’t take him seriously, and neither should we. The land grants we have secured by the Danish government are still valid.” The disembodied voice was calm, measured, and in stark contrast to the God of Storms.


The Truth Hurts

“You, on the other hand, have sat up here on your ass, lording over the rest of us just like you used to do, thinking you can do whatever you want without consequences.”

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