Public Relations – Part X – The Deal
I had to stifle my delight every time the angry sky spit out a rush of hailstones that pelted him mercilessly. It was about time that he got a taste of his own medicine.
I had to stifle my delight every time the angry sky spit out a rush of hailstones that pelted him mercilessly. It was about time that he got a taste of his own medicine.
She wondered where she was. Who was that guy leaning out of the window? Why did her hip burn? Why was there a bird in her hair? Where was her coffee?
“This is all sport to you. Fun and games. Well, Mr. Perfect, we are all familiar with some of your less than stellar moves. I mean, who tosses their own son off a mountain just because he needs corrective shoes? Oh. That would be you.”
I know him. He doesn’t do idle chit chat. He was trying to disarm me with pleasantries. He also knows me and should know better, but the more he wants something, the nicer he is…until he is told “no.”
I rolled my eyes and groaned. I had enough information to see where this was going and I wanted no part of it. I had no interest in Zeus’ comeback scheme or Hera and Gaia’s matchmaking plans for Hephaestus and me.
The redhead that I was wearing attracted more than her fair share of attention. One appreciative admirer kissed his fingertips and cooed, “Bella,” then fell from his ladder when I looked up at him to smile my acknowledgement.
On such short notice, I would need to travel light, so I stowed my mortal at a Holiday Inn Express. With any luck, I’d be back before housekeeping was making their rounds.
I knew that my mother had her hand in this somehow. Very little gets by her and odds were that she was the reason for my summons. I needed to get to the bottom of things before I made the trip to The Mount. Before I spoke to Zeus.
He just gave me that look. We both knew I was going. There is no sending “regrets” when you get a summons.