Those Who Can Do, Teach
Hell, I was the Revolt House’s secret benefactor who allowed all of them to live in the house, pursue their education and careers, fight for what they believed in, and for a greatly discounted rental price. Honestly, the only appeal about the paycheck was that it would help enforce the persona and history that I presented. And that was beyond valuable to me.
Simply Revolting, Part II
“I thought we were trying to find Representative Abbot’s table. You said you found pictures of her eating here on the dark web.” Best lie I had told. I couldn’t really tell her that I was, by mortal standards, psychic.
Simply Revolting, Part I
I tiptoed up the stairs, utilizing the stealth skills I had learned from all the years of battle strategy I was taught. When I wasn’t using this talent to sneak past my housemates, I was using it to scare them. Accidentally, of course.