But, Wait. There Is More, Part V
“I have done you wrong, and for that, you sought to repay a debt. I deserve your hatred, but I would beg you for your forgiveness.”
Atё turned slowly, her smile still in place. “Oh, I know. Cataclysmic events, if I’m not mistaken.” Her smile dropped before she went on. “At least that’s what you promised, Kronos.”
Long brawny arms slipped through the bars as he leaned closer, golden eyes met hers as he responded, “Yes, yes I did. Now release us so we can give our family a proper reunion.”
“I have done you wrong, and for that, you sought to repay a debt. I deserve your hatred, but I would beg you for your forgiveness.”
I knew him. He raised me. I knew where to hit him, what hurt the most, and what it would take to wound him.
I could feel a smile and…and other sensations as she entered my mind, blowing away the dead that resided there. The silver thread exploded in my mind. Then I flew.
Maybe I couldn’t get through that door, but I knew who could. Leaning down, I kissed his cheek, “We’re bringing you home, Z.”
Phosphorus slapped Zeus on the shoulder, then made his way down the hall, leaving Zeus standing alone. “Open your mind and phone home, big boy. I’m sure someone’s around.”
“You think your honesty has led you to the truth? No! Nike, you have been on the wrong side of valor.”
“Well, how do you feel now? Wingless and soon to be headless, at the hands of the only woman you ever loved.”
A look of surprise crossed Coeus’ face at seeing all of us. Even better. Coeus let out a rage-filled scream and rushed me.
She pouts at me, and if she were standing, she would likely have stomped her foot. “T-that’s not fair!” “When has Love ever been fair?”
“Did you know? Did you know this whole time? Was this some kind of sick joke you played at my expense?”
Maybe I’ll come visit her while she’s down here. Wait – what? Am I admitting I wouldn’t mind spending more time with her?
“Yes, the one you call Than stole your Master’s robe. He is choking your Master, do you not want to stop him? Do you not want to kill Than?”
“I told you that if you defied me there would be consequences. Although, I didn’t think your soul would be strong enough to break out of that dagger.”
“The masters said not to kill the love god, that he needs to get the staff, but they won’t know if we take a bite…”
“I am Erebus, Primordial God of Darkness and Shadows. I have more power in my little pinky than you will ever have.”