
I am the catalyst for change and have no tolerance for wimps, egomaniacs or any other fear-based behavior. I am self-made. If I can go from longing to being, so can mortals. They may not have the powers we Gods and Goddesses do; yet, they do have a mind. I intend on helping them use it. If you irritate me, I am the enzymatic Sorceress that will destabilize your existence. I am Circe.

Sound the Siren

I can hear the blood racing through my head. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt this nervous and disenchanted. Not even on Aeaea. At least there’s room to spread my wings over there.

Saluting the Sun

I feel a hint of joy tickling the corners of my mouth and spin wildly through the sunflowers. Honoring the light that connects us all, I salute the sun with a simple series of twelve yoga postures and their mantras.

Leave The Light On

Without question, every breakdown is a doorway for something better, and this is mine! Because the local mortals know I work with herbs and oils, it’s time for me to seize the day.

Safe With Me

My eyes are like a mood ring. Honestly, I don’t know what a mood ring is, that’s just what Corrine said. That’s my client…or was my client.

Winds Of Change

I know they’re with loving families; yet, how will they be restored to their human selves? How can I do that, if I don’t even know where they actually live?!

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